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Financial & 移民的问题

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作为国际学生, 为了支付州内学费,我有资格申请纽约居留权吗?


国际学生 are not eligible to apply for NYS residency in order to pay the in-state- tuition rate. International students are financially responsible for the payment of their tuition and living expenses, with the exception of PhD students in the 研究生院 who are receiving a graduate assistantship and tuition waiver.

有关费用(因程序而异)的信息,请参见 Tuition and Fees.


在被纽约州立大学录取后获得签证. 申请我们大学和获得签证是两个不同的过程. 第一步是申请一个学习项目的入学资格. 在你被录取之后, 国际学生顾问将协助您申请I-20表格. An I-20 form is a certificate of eligibility document issued by the 国际学生 Advisor from the SEVIS web-based system, sponsored by the U.S. 司法部, 证明你有资格并被批准申请F-1学生签证. Keep in mind that you must also submit the foreign student financial statement and supporting financial documentation that shows you are able to afford your tuition and living expenses in order to be issued an I-20, 除非你能获得研究生助学金和学费减免. You will take the I-20 form with you when you apply for the F-1 visa at the nearest U.S. 在你本国的领事馆.


A. 加拿大学生可以在美国上学.S. without a visa. 如果你的主要语言是英语, it is not a requirement to take a Test of English as a Foreign Language exam (TOEFL) or submit TSE scores. Please note that SUNY Upstate does not recognize results from the 13th year as credit toward admission. Canadian students may apply for loans from Provincial Canadian federal sources to attend SUNY Upstate.


Doctoral students (PhD) in the 研究生院 are eligible for graduate assistantships and tuition waivers. 国际学生没有资格获得美国奖学金.S. 政府援助项目(佩尔助学金), SEOG Grant, Stafford Loan, Perkins Loan, PLUS Loan, 和联邦勤工俭学). International students in all SUNY Upstates colleges may apply for private loans through U.S. 银行,提供美国.S. 居民共同签署贷款. 纽约州立大学上州医科大学不会作为私人贷款的共同签署人.

有关财政援助的更多信息: eduPASS.

我能在美国工作吗.S. 如果我是国际学生?

国际学生可以在校内工作. Graduate students who receive an assistantship are provided a stipend for their services. 其他学生可以兼职工作. 对于没有助学金的学生,你可以工作的时间是有限的, 所以你不应该依靠兼职工作来支付费用或学费. 典型的校园非助教工作的薪水约为1,000至2,000美元.S. (美元),夏季也有类似的数额.

Life Questions

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All international students enrolled at SUNY Upstate are required to purchase health insurance and medical evacuation/repatriation either through SUNY Upstate or through private sources. 如果您不购买此计划, 你可能需要证明你的健康保险是可比的. 获得助学金的研究生享有各种福利, 包括一个低成本的医疗保健计划.

有关国际学生保险的信息: www.haylor.com.


A. 校园内有住房. 住宿生活办公室提供有关推荐最近最火的赌博软件的信息.



The 国际学生 Advisor provides a wide range of support services for current and prospective F-1 students, 例如I-20/签证申请流程方面的建议, 维持F-1身份, F-1就业选择和福利, status changes, SEVIS changes, 获取社会保险号, tax information, etc.

About Application

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Where do I find basic information about how to apply for Admission to 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学?

基本入学要求, 申请程序, 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件在线申请表格, 有关我们项目最新信息的链接可以在 申请程序.


All International students whose first language is not English must submit the 英语作为外语考试(托福) score report.

  • 我们的机构代码是 2547
  • 更多信息: ETS TOEFL.


Applicants to the 研究生院 must submit evidence of ability to speak English and communicate effectively, for example, 参加英语口语考试(TSE).


卫生专业学院和护理学院的申请者, 谁在国外完成了全部或部分教育, are required to have a course-by-course educational credential evaluation completed by an approved agency prior to the application deadline. 纽约州立大学建议使用 世界教育服务.

What are the admission requirements for 国际学生 in the 研究生院?

There is a $50 application fee


  • 三封推荐信
  • 所有本科和研究生学校的正式成绩单
  • 研究生入学考试的正式复印件 (GRE) scores. (高级科目考试是有帮助的,但不是必需的.我们的代码是 2547.
  • 作为外语的英语考试的官方复印件 (TOEFL) score.
  • 具备说英语能力的证明: TSE (英语口语测试)
  • 英语水平要求 telephone interview

What are the admission requirements for 国际学生 in the College of Medicine

Minimum of 90 semester hours 在美国境内完成的本科课程.S. 或加拿大.


  • AMCAS申请和费用 http://www.aamc.org/students/applying/amcas/
  • 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件补充申请,110美元费用
  • MCAT scores
  • Pre-Health Committee Letter of Recommendation or 2推荐信 from faculty in 2 different disciplines
  • 必备实验课程:
    • General Biology I & II w/labs
    • General Chemistry I & II w/labs
    • 有机化学I /lab
    • Biochemistry
    • General Physics I & II w/labs*
    • Writing/Composition
    • English elective
    • Statistics (3hrs)

What are the admission requirements for 国际学生 in the 卫生职业学院?

那些在国外受教育的人必须有一个 course-by-course评价 在申请前由经批准的机构出具. 纽约州立大学上州医科大学建议使用 世界教育服务.

In addition:


  • 纽约州立大学申请费50美元
  • Upstate 补充申请
  • 2推荐信
  • 托福或雅思(如果英语不是你的第一语言)

研究生申请者: 入门级物理治疗博士课程:

  • 物理治疗师集中应用服务(PTCAS)应用 http://www.ptcas.org/home.aspx
  • 上州申请,申请费65美元
  • 2封推荐信(1封必须来自物理治疗师)
  • GRE's
  • 托福(如果英语不是你的第一语言)
    Note: 所有学生必须完成具体的 requirements for each program.

研究生申请者: 医师助理(MS):

  • 医师助理中央申请服务(CASPA)申请 http://portal.caspaonline.org
  • 上州申请,申请费65美元
  • 3 .推荐信
  • 1000小时的医疗护理经验
  • GRE's
  • 托福(如果英语不是你的第一语言)
    Note: 所有学生必须完成具体的 requirements for each program.

Q.What are the admission requirements for 国际学生 in the College of Nursing?

那些在国外受教育的人必须有一个 course-by-course评价 在申请前由经批准的机构出具. 纽约州立大学上州医科大学建议使用 世界教育服务 .

In addition:


  • NursingCAS Application
  • 纽约州立大学申请费50美元
  • 北州补充申请
  • 2推荐信
  • 托福(如果英语不是你的第一语言)
  • 纽约州注册护士执照
    Note: 所有学生必须完成具体的 requirements for each program.


  • NursingCAS Application
  • 上州补充申请,费用65美元
  • 3 .推荐信
  • 托福(如果英语不是你的第一语言)
  • 纽约州注册护士执照
    Note: 所有学生必须完成具体的 requirements for each program.


  • NursingCAS Application
  • 上州补充申请,费用65美元
  • 3 letters of recommendation, at least 1 of which must be reflective of clinical practice
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • 托福(如果英语不是你的第一语言)
  • 美国注册护士执照
    Note: 所有学生必须完成具体的 requirements for each program.

Does 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 accept 国际学生, and what degrees are offered?

纽约州立大学位于纽约州锡拉丘兹. 它是美国125个学术医疗中心之一. At SUNY Upstate, 我们进行研究, 教育卫生专业人员, 在我们的医院和诊所提供本地区最先进的医疗服务. 虽然我们的大多数学生都来自纽约州, 纽约州立大学每年招收国际学生. SUNY Upstate is a transfer university and students enter having completed college coursework or degrees.

医学院: 医学博士,公共卫生硕士-大多数学生进入学士学位或更高
研究生院: 硕士,博士-学生进入学士学位或更高
卫生职业学院: 学士,BPS,硕士,DPT -学生进入至少60个大学学分. Doctor of Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant students enter with a bachelors degree.
College of Nursing: BS, MS, DNP - Students are already registered nurses and enter with a minimum of an associates degree.

I have just been accepted as an 国际学生 to 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学. What do I do next?

新录取国际学生的下一步: 国际学生.

  • Complete the I-20 application and submit it to the 国际学生 Advisor along with copies of the following documents:
    • Passport
    • Visa
    • I-94 card
    • 当前和以前的I-20表格
    • 社会保障卡(如有)
    • Complete the Foreign Student Financial statement and submit it to the 国际学生 Advisor, 连同支持性财务文件一起, 比如银行对账单, 它能证明你的收入或财务状况. (如果你在攻读博士学位, 并将获得研究生助教奖学金, 不需要填写此表格.)
    • Be aware that you are required to have health insurance and medical/security evacuation and repatriation insurance as an international student by the time of orientation.
      有关国际学生保险的信息可在以下网站找到 Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc. 或联系国际学生顾问或财务处.
    • 如果你已经有学生签证, 目前在美国学习, 请填写SEVIS转学表(可在国际学生网站上找到), and also contact the 国际学生 Advisor at your prior school to arrange for your SEVIS record to be transferred to SUNY Upstate. The SEVIS record will be electronically transferred by your prior school and will be available to SUNY Upstate effective on the date that it is released from the prior institution.
  • Once the 国际学生 Advisor has determined that you have sufficient finances to pay for your tuition and living expenses, 你会收到一张I-20表格, 什么是资格证书文件, 你在美国入境时要随身携带的行李.S. 在你本国的领事馆 to show that you are eligible and approved to apply for an F-1 visa.
  • You will be expected to attend the 国际学生 orientation meeting in the fall to learn how to maintain your legal F-1 student status.

Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my 国际学生 Admissions or F-1 student status?

If you have questions on our colleges, programs of study or admissions, please contact:

Admissions & Financial Aid
766 Irving Ave.
[email protected]


To obtain 招生信息
To obtain 国际学生信息

Krystal Smith
Phone: 315 464-7719
免费电话:1-866 951-5718
Email: [email protected]

如果您对您的签证或F-1学生有疑问 状态,您可以联系:

Jennifer Abbott, 助理注册主任/国际学生顾问
Elizabeth Blackwell街155号,锡拉丘兹,NY 13210 USA
Phone: 315 464-4604
Fax: 315 464-8822
Email: [email protected]

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